So Gamestop is in a bit of hot water at the moment, especially with the gamers. A memo leaked onto the internet; in which it asked employees to take out an Online code from the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution. A great game, seriously, with school I haven't had time to play it myself but I have been watching it being played in the background on my t.v. and I must say it is not only a beautiful game, but most of the acting is great, which is rare in games still. It's a game that allows you to make all decisions affecting just about everything with a very interactive environment. But anyways...back to the memo. The author of the memo refuses to comment and no further info has been leaked, but it's looking grim for Gamestop. A lot of us, myself included, pay extra for these kinds of codes and add-ons...and to know they are being stripped from us is infuriating. Albeit it was only sent out for PC versions's a betrayal to the customers.
In other news, bastion is making a huge splash with a cute little hidden nod to the fans of Valve (Who made Portal one and two giving me my all time favorite villain gLaDos.) Adding an item called "canister gel" which, when thrown, makes a very familiar portal that sucks in enemies nearby! I love me some Easter eggs and nods to developers!
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