Google +
Hmmmm...ya know, I don't say this much but I am on the fence with this. Google is for all intents, and purposes, trying their hand at a Facebook. They have tried this before with Google "Passport" but it went as far as throwing an uncrumpled piece of paper across the room would...not far in case you didn't catch that. I don't see any harm in it because this craze with self-absorption isn't really a craze at all but more of an urge for importance, attention...etc. It's really psychological if you wanna get into it (Can you tell I had psych homework?). People need to feel important, not only to themselves but to others. Facebook, MySpace...yea I'm sure there are more out there. I am practicing self absorption right now. I am typing away my opinions like they really matter to anyone but me. That's a human trait. If Google wants to get into it then by all means go for it. More revenue, not a bad thing for Google. Better personalized search results by way of your Google + likes and dislikes, more specialized ads that make you wanna click and buy everything flashing on your screen while your trying to read you damn e-mail. The interesting thing here is that they will be making you use your own name. No screen-names or anything. Your own name, nothing to hide behind. I like it because it's going to cut down on some of the fucked up shit that goes on, on the internet these days while people cower behind the screens under a false name rubbing their hands together in a very sinister Mr. Burns kind of way. But it will also help to track you. That's not a conspiracy theory people it's the truth. There is a +1 button that you can use to basically "like" a site and it can spread your across the entire web that way. Your name plastered along side the websites you go too? I get into some pretty messed up sites that I have to back-peddle out of from time to time in my pursuit of knowledge (Like Chunneling look it up). I wouldn't want that on there. Of course you would have to hit that +1 button first. Who is to say, however, that your idiot friends, or younger obnoxious brother or sister won't get on there and just fuck your day up. Your boss could see these things. Your co-workers, family, and friends may get a full frontal view of the weird shit you look up on the internet. So Google plus thumbs up or thumbs down? Truthfully...I will have to wait and see before I go sticking my thumb anywhere...and I will just have to make sure I don't hit that +1 button before I do as well.
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