Guest Nerdists

Our Guest Nerdists are a network of friends who have the same passion as we do; All Things Nerd!  Let me introduce you to some of them:


Gamertag: Murderknobbs
Game Genre: Shooters and platformers
Movie Genre: Documentaries
Knowledge: All things metal, organic, and political

The Wife

Gamertag: MrsMurderknobbs
Gamer Genre: Adventure RPG 
Movie Genre: Anime & Fantasy
Knowledge: All things anime, Twilight, and Fashion


Gamertag: BizzyBarnes
Game Genre: Sports, Racing, and Fighting
Movie Genre: Comedy and action
Knowledge: All things Mechanical, Professional Racing, and Lou 


Gamertag: Thebut13r
Game Genre: Rpg, Fps, and Strategy
Movie Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Action
Knowledge: All things Tech, Space, and Survival   

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