Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Many Faces Of Dr. Who

Time Travel Can Be A Bitch On The Skin


I can’t say I have been a fan of Dr. Who since the beginning of time, although I do find myself to be a rather intense fan. I started watching the newer seasons when they started up on Scyfy. I had a busted T.V. sensor with some sort of twisted parental lock on it…all I could get was Scyfy and fox. So a marathon of the first season with Christopher Eccleston came on and after that…I was hooked. Time travel? The tardis? Regeneration? Time lord? Who was the face of Bo? What happens to Rose Tyler? There was so much I needed to know, and over the years with countless movies, back-seasons, and fan-sites I have learned an incredible amount. For instance; the scarf of the fourth doctor was never supposed to be that long. When the cloth was given to the costume designer she simply thought they wanted all of it used. As for the face of Bo? It’s Captain Jack! What ever happened to my favorite British gal Rose Tyler? Bad wolf Bay. She got sent to bad wolf bay with the human doctor duplicate in an alternate reality in a heart wrenching episode…still one of my favorites. Throw in the Ood, K9, Sarah Jane Smith, and the sonic screwdriver and it makes for an amazing series. Over the years the faces have changed; take a look:

William Hartnell was the first face of the doctor. So technically it should have been as soon as he left Gallafray, after the time war. He was 55 when the actor started the show in 1963. It was poor quality, I mean it was the 60s, but what it lacked in that spot it made up for and more with originality and heart.
Patrick Troughton started the show in 1966 when he was forty six. He was such a severe looking man Patrick, but he was still incredibly loveable, almost in the same way Christopher Eccleston was prickly yet loveable. After three years on the show, regeneration time.

Jon Pertwee was by far, the sweetest doctor of all times. He started in 1970 when he was 50 although he looked older than that (And by time lord standards he was so it was a good fit). This is when, for me, the show got so much better. I loved Jon and I loved his antics and the way the show really got insanely wonderful.

Tom Baker was the fourth doctor. Wiley and insane, yet like almost every doctor he was loveable and a do right. He started at the age of forty in June of 1974 and seven years later in March of 1981 at forty seven it was time for him to regenerate.

The fifth Doctor; Peter Davison spent three years on the show and there is only one word that could describe him and I think it really says it all: Smoooooooooth.

Colin Baker was so weird. He was on the show from 1984 to 1986 and yes he was thoughtful but that coat and tie and hair…it’s like a less funny, older, annoyingly odd version of Seth Rogan. Love Doctor who…not a fan of Colin Baker.
If Tony Shalhoub and Anthony Hopkins got drunk one night and ended up fooling around Sylvester McCoy would be the product of that forbidden passionate night. I love Sylvester though, he was sweet and severe all at once, and he really gave a new depth to the Doctor. He was only the Doctor’s face for two years but you got to love him.

Paul Mcgann was the eighth doctor and only lasted one season in 1996 but I really loved him. He looks like Professor Snape, dresses like a British Gentlemen, and has those steamy I could throw you up against a wall in the Tardis eyes. Is that a sonic screwdriver in your pocket Paul or are you just happy to see me?

Christopher Eccelston was the Ninth Doctor and actually the first Doctor that I ever watched. He was prickly, eccentric, and charming. I love Christopher Eccelston in most of what he has done, so the actor himself really pulled me in.  The other seasons were good but the last three doctors have been so incredibly badass. He only lasted one season as well but I will always love this regeneration of the Docotr.

David Tennant will always be my favorite doctor and the first face I see when I talk about the Doctor. He played for four years and he was absolutely amazing. Passionate, sexy, charming, and incredibly impressive, I love David and he will always be a face in the forefront of my Nerdgasm.

Matt Smith is the current Doctor. I hated him when I first saw him, I must admit I was also heartbroken over the loss of David, and therefore was being biased and unfair. The more I watch him the more I admire the people who cast him. He is so different from David and yet he has that Time Lord vibe that you can’t deny. I’m excited to see where Matt Smith, the eleventh doctor, is going to take us in the whole wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey time and space.

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