Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Will Lose All Faith In Humanity

   For Xbox fans everywhere we are in the midst of some chaos. Right now Xbox 360 is fighting for its very life!

   In August of 2012 a decision will be made by The International Trade Commission on whether or not Xbox 360 will be banned in the US. All on the charge that Microsoft is in violation of Motorola WiFi and video codec patents. If the Violation sticks it would prevent Microsoft from selling consoles using that tech. The decision is so big its going to the White House. Where President Obama and his Advisers will make the call.

   Things look grim with the Xbox and Windows 7 already banned in Germany. And as much as I like Nintendo and Sony, Would they be able to make up for the loss of Xbox? Plus we would have to wait for Microsoft to fix the issues or their next console to release. 

   But with all of that there is hope. Heavy rumors are pointing to Microsoft's favor in this battle. Possibly allowing a deal between Microsoft and Motorola. Until August no decisions will be made so Game on Xbox Fans and Game hard till August!

-The But13r

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

...James Bond has returned

Yes, after 2 and a half years of filming, the next installment of James Bond is here! It actually releases November 9th but you know they've already completed it and is locked away, teasing us insane fans with "Teaser Trailers". This will be the 23rd film in the series and Daniel Craig's 3rd outing as the most well known spy on the planet, 007. Dame Judi Dench has returned, of course, to play head of Mi6, M. The main title theme has been rumored to be written and performed by Adele. There are 2 lovely ladies rumored to be new Bond girls; Berenice Marlohe and Naomie Harris. Two amazing actors; Ralph Fiennes and Javier Bardem are rumored to play villains. I promise I will confirm these rumors as soon as I know more.

Written by: Detenate

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Amazing Nerdity Around The Web

Lego Wigs:
That's right I said it, Lego Wigs. I don't know about you guys, but Lego's remain a favorite of mine. I may or may not have Hogwarts in Lego's on my end table. Enjoy!

Batman Beard:

Two words...Frakking Sweet

Hermoine casts a give Ron a Boner Spell:

Emma Watson, Hermoine Granger, is filming a new movie and her apparel is...questionable. She is gorgeous but I feel like I baby-sat her when she was a wee thing due to being obsessed with Harry Potter. It's just...weird. Tramp-stamp is not real b.t.w!


A Little Gallery Of Eclipse

The first visible eclipse in North America in 18 years! You could see it best in the Western States but I figured a few great pictures of a wondrous sight would be nice. Check them out!

An Eclipse Ring, a Bird amongst the Sun and Moon, and a wedding during the Eclipse...oh my!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Nerds Around Town

It's refreshing to see some Nerds around Town. Take a look at the nerdy activity I have seen over the last couple days.

Richy and Hadley play Magic the Gathering at Subway after their meal. Props on still playing a dying artform!

My neice Lou shuns her ducks and bears for a certified Sith Lord helmet.

Creator of Nerdgasm got her picture snapped with the Bat.

And we caught The But13r sitting at H.Q. replaying Half-Life 2.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Many Faces Of Dr. Who

Time Travel Can Be A Bitch On The Skin


I can’t say I have been a fan of Dr. Who since the beginning of time, although I do find myself to be a rather intense fan. I started watching the newer seasons when they started up on Scyfy. I had a busted T.V. sensor with some sort of twisted parental lock on it…all I could get was Scyfy and fox. So a marathon of the first season with Christopher Eccleston came on and after that…I was hooked. Time travel? The tardis? Regeneration? Time lord? Who was the face of Bo? What happens to Rose Tyler? There was so much I needed to know, and over the years with countless movies, back-seasons, and fan-sites I have learned an incredible amount. For instance; the scarf of the fourth doctor was never supposed to be that long. When the cloth was given to the costume designer she simply thought they wanted all of it used. As for the face of Bo? It’s Captain Jack! What ever happened to my favorite British gal Rose Tyler? Bad wolf Bay. She got sent to bad wolf bay with the human doctor duplicate in an alternate reality in a heart wrenching episode…still one of my favorites. Throw in the Ood, K9, Sarah Jane Smith, and the sonic screwdriver and it makes for an amazing series. Over the years the faces have changed; take a look:

William Hartnell was the first face of the doctor. So technically it should have been as soon as he left Gallafray, after the time war. He was 55 when the actor started the show in 1963. It was poor quality, I mean it was the 60s, but what it lacked in that spot it made up for and more with originality and heart.
Patrick Troughton started the show in 1966 when he was forty six. He was such a severe looking man Patrick, but he was still incredibly loveable, almost in the same way Christopher Eccleston was prickly yet loveable. After three years on the show, regeneration time.

Jon Pertwee was by far, the sweetest doctor of all times. He started in 1970 when he was 50 although he looked older than that (And by time lord standards he was so it was a good fit). This is when, for me, the show got so much better. I loved Jon and I loved his antics and the way the show really got insanely wonderful.

Tom Baker was the fourth doctor. Wiley and insane, yet like almost every doctor he was loveable and a do right. He started at the age of forty in June of 1974 and seven years later in March of 1981 at forty seven it was time for him to regenerate.

The fifth Doctor; Peter Davison spent three years on the show and there is only one word that could describe him and I think it really says it all: Smoooooooooth.

Colin Baker was so weird. He was on the show from 1984 to 1986 and yes he was thoughtful but that coat and tie and hair…it’s like a less funny, older, annoyingly odd version of Seth Rogan. Love Doctor who…not a fan of Colin Baker.
If Tony Shalhoub and Anthony Hopkins got drunk one night and ended up fooling around Sylvester McCoy would be the product of that forbidden passionate night. I love Sylvester though, he was sweet and severe all at once, and he really gave a new depth to the Doctor. He was only the Doctor’s face for two years but you got to love him.

Paul Mcgann was the eighth doctor and only lasted one season in 1996 but I really loved him. He looks like Professor Snape, dresses like a British Gentlemen, and has those steamy I could throw you up against a wall in the Tardis eyes. Is that a sonic screwdriver in your pocket Paul or are you just happy to see me?

Christopher Eccelston was the Ninth Doctor and actually the first Doctor that I ever watched. He was prickly, eccentric, and charming. I love Christopher Eccelston in most of what he has done, so the actor himself really pulled me in.  The other seasons were good but the last three doctors have been so incredibly badass. He only lasted one season as well but I will always love this regeneration of the Docotr.

David Tennant will always be my favorite doctor and the first face I see when I talk about the Doctor. He played for four years and he was absolutely amazing. Passionate, sexy, charming, and incredibly impressive, I love David and he will always be a face in the forefront of my Nerdgasm.

Matt Smith is the current Doctor. I hated him when I first saw him, I must admit I was also heartbroken over the loss of David, and therefore was being biased and unfair. The more I watch him the more I admire the people who cast him. He is so different from David and yet he has that Time Lord vibe that you can’t deny. I’m excited to see where Matt Smith, the eleventh doctor, is going to take us in the whole wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey time and space.

Monday, May 14, 2012


A Nerdgasm update will follow:

The creator and co-creator have moved into what is now being known as Nerdgasm Headquarters together. Since the move we have been without internet b/c apparently there is a line of a million and seven for internet in W.V. Anyhow, we will be internet-starved until then, therefore, no posts will be made until that day. We are writing lots of reviews and articles and coming up with ways to make the page better. But until the twenty first it's all a bunch of scraps, post-its, and papers stuck to the bulletin board...or in one of the eighty five yellow Nerdgasm Notebooks we have splayed around HQ. Pictures of this Nerd-Paradise will be released as well, when the internet is finally brought to our house. I bet Superfriends didn't have issues getting the net to their HQ, I wonder who their provider was....

Monday, May 7, 2012

The White Whale Of Whitebeansoup


      As a life long gamer I would have to say I've played thousands of games over the years; from Joust to Star Wars Kinect. I am proud to say any game I've sat down to play I have been able to beat...except for one. My white whale, my Moby Dick, happens to be a Super Nintendo Game that was released when I was only three years old. 

 Super Ghouls and Ghosts. I know it's not a particularly advanced game; there aren't hundreds of hours of gameplay or skills and perks to level up...but for me...this game is at the top of my "IF THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN LET ME BEAT THIS GAME!!!" list.  I feel like for every gamer there will always be a game that is just unbeatable to them. This is mine. I have played this game for 19 years now and I still can't get past the ghost ship level! I've watched the Youtube videos on how to beat it, I've tried to just run through it, and I've tried to take my time but no matter what happens I still end up a pile of bones somewhere. If you've never played it before  you should at least check it out. We here at Nerdgasm have a strong opinion that old school games were much much harder than the new age ones. The newer ones have cheats and tell you exactly how to beat it. The old ones leave you to figure it out. The Wii market place has this game to download and the Sleak Black Super Nintendo Retro is coming out soon so you should definitely try it out! Either way SG&G will always be one of the games I remember most. My Gannon, My Jack of Blades, my Arch Nemesis, my white whale.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ten Things I Bet You Didn't Know About Star Wars

Because Random Is our Specialty

10. Lucas killed off Chewbacca. It was in a book written by R.A. Salvatore. They decided they wanted to kill off a well known character so people would take the books more seriously, so they called Lucas and sent him over a list of characters they wanted to torture and ultimately kill and he sent them back with a list of characters they COULD NOT kill and chewy didn’t make the cut.

9. Ewoks spoke Tibetan. In the movie the director had them speaking Tibetan with just a hint of Nepalese. As a bonus DYK that Lando’s pilot Nien Nunb spoke Haya a Tanzanian dialect and the Jawas in the original film spoke Zulu…they just sped it up some.

8. Jabba’s dancing Girl has a Nipple slip in Return Of The Jedi. The Twilek dancing girl named Oola dances to the song Lapti Nek she ends up having a wardrobe malfunction and slips out a nipple. Surprisingly Lucas opted to keep it in.

7. The director of Captain America created Bobba Fett.  Or at least his armor. Another DYK bonus Darth Vader was supposed to be a bounty hunter but when he became a fallen Jedi instead Lucas recycled the Bounty Hunter Idea and ta-da! Another bonus is Lucas was planning on revealing Bobba and Vader were brothers in the second film but decided it was too “hooky”.

6. You can see Bobba Fett’s face Helmet-Free in the Empire Strikes Back. The actor who plays Fett Jeremy Bulloch had to fill in for an actor who had fallen ill and became the Imperial Lt who captured the Princess during her attempted escape at Bespin.

5. Wedge Antilles is Obi-Wan’s uncle. Or at leas the actor who played wedge is the uncle of Obi-Wan’s actor. Another Bonus DYK- Wedge is the only background character to survive all three major battles in the original trilogy.

4. Greedo was a woman. At least when the filming was done in the U.S. When they were filming in the U.K the actor was a man.

3. The cheapest set in The Empire Strikes Back? The inside of the space slug. It consisted of black plastic on the floor, black curtains, and a fog machine. SHWEET

2. If George Lucas would’ve directed Apocolypse Now he would’ve skipped making Star Wars.  He was in line to do the project but his Mentor ended up doing it. BONUS DYK- His mentors daughter as well as Keira Knightly are Padme’s Maids in The Phantom Menace.

1.Han Solo was originally a green-skinned alien with gills.  He would’ve been an undercover operative instead of a smuggler and all around rogue. And in that version Han was going to be Luke and Leia’s friend throughout most of the film.

Ten Things I Bet You Didn't Know About The Empire Strikes Back

 Proves Everyone's First Drafts Are Usually Crap

10. Yoda’s name was originally going to be Buffy. No lie. Buffy or Bunden Debannen. Lucas said that Luke was going to meet a spiritual entity named Buffy and would become “the human Buffy” lol. In later drafts he thought of Yoda as a frog and picked out a full name. Minch Yoda.

9.Lucas considered having Luke’s face get injured. In 77 Luke’s actor Mark Hamill was injured in a car accident and had to have a facial reconstruction done. So up until filming he was going to have Luke’s face get damaged somehow and a droid was going to patch him up.

8.Luke’s journey to become a Jedi Knight was originally much bumpier.  One idea that got tossed around a lot in the early stages of planning ESB was the notion that Luke’s light saber had a crystal hidden in the hilt, with secret encrypted information on it — including the coordinates of Minch Yoda’s planet. And Luke would have been “humiliated” when he couldn’t use the Force to stop an attack by a bunch of ice monsters on the rebels Hoth base. (With Han telling Luke, “You’re not a Jedi knight, and you never will be.”) Meanwhile, Darth Vader senses that Luke used the force to destroy the Death Star and there’s a new wannabe Jedi in town — so Vader uses telepathy to choke Luke in his spacecraft, nearly killing him — except that R2D2 jumps the ship into hyperspace and takes it to Yoda’s planet.

7. We would’ve visited more planets. In the early days Lucas had plans to visit a water planet with a city built underneath. A city planet was going to be visited as well where the entire planet was built over. At one point Lucas considered visiting the Wookie Home world and seeing a young Chewbacca.

6. Vader had a castle. It was going to be a fortress of evil with lava surrounding it and gargoyles as Vader’s pets….I’m being 100% serious right now.

5.Vader wasn’t Luke’s father at first.  In Leigh Brackett’s first script draft, Luke meets his real dad, who says he sent away Luke and his secret sister for their own safety. (Luke’s sister has been training to be a Jedi knight in secret, just as Luke has.) And Papa Skywalker administers the oath of a Jedi Knight to Luke, in which Ben, Minch, Anakin and Luke cross lightsabers, and Luke swears to “dedicate my life to the cause of freedom and justice.”

4.The love triangle between Luke-Leia-Solo was a much bigger deal in the earlier scripts. It’s at the root of Luke’s struggles for self respect and his humiliations. When Darth Vader is trying to win Luke over to the Dark Side in the second draft, written by Lucas himself, Vader says, “You’re in love with Leia. You don’t want to lose her to Han Solo… But you will, if you lack the courage to use the strength that’s in you. A strength as great as mine, Luke.” And then at the end, Leia flat-out tells Luke that he’s not the one she loves, because she’s into Han. Also in this version, Han doesn’t get frozen in carbonite — instead, he just flies off to take care of business, leaving Luke and Leia watching the Millennium Falcon disappear.

3.They almost had a monkey in a mask to play Yoda. They thought of everything for certain creatures and beings. Yoda was a monkey in a mask, a midget, or even a child. For the Tauntauns they tried a human suit with what they called “hilarious if not film-worthy results.”

2.The Shining almost Axed The Empire. During the filming of Star Wars and The Shining there was a fire that burnt down Stage 3 where the Shining was being made. So Star Wars had to share their studio with them and it made space a real issue. Not to mention the fact that the Shining ran well over its schedule.

1. Miss Piggy had a cameo in the movie. When Mark Hamill first met Frank Oz, he asked him to do a brief Miss Piggy cameo during rehearsals on set, as a practical joke — but when the time came much later, it caught even Hamill off guard. During one scene, Yoda tells Luke to follow his feelings. Luke protests that he has followed his feelings — and suddenly, Frank Oz whips out a Miss Piggy puppet, saying “Feelings? You want feelings? Get behind the couch and I’ll show you feelings, punk. What is this hole? I’ve been booked into dumps before, but never like this. Get me my agent on the phone!”

Friday, May 4, 2012

Get some Wookie for National Star Wars Day

Happy holidays everyone and May the Fourth be with you!
When we first heard about the Star Wars Holiday we were pumped. We all love the Star Wars Franchise and have watched each one of the movies over a hundred times between us. We all loved KOTOR as well as the other games and the new Star Wars game for Kinect always leads to an epic good time. Fan Art, Games, hobby/crafts, and spin-off books and shows have always been a treat to enjoy, so we can understand why all of the Nerds have come together to create their own holiday. We all still dream of Princess Leia, call our hairy friends wookies, and pretend almost any stick-like object we hold is a lightsaber.  It's in the Nerd's blood stream to enjoy all things Star Wars (even if there is some unrest between us all over certain aspects of certain movies). Lucasfilms doesn't endorse the holiday and I'm sure by now George Lucas is sick to death of hearing May the Fourth be with you but he is just going to have to deal because we will never stop being fans.

So the question stands on May the fourth of are you going to celebrate? Here at Nerdgasm we are all sitting down to a movie marathon and some Kinect Star Wars. We hope that you can find a fitting way to celebrate as well; be it dressing up like Leia for your significant other, doing some saber dueling in the back yard or even just watching the movies. Star Wars is an epic and undying breed of a franchise and deserves it's dues today.

Want to watch season 5: the clone wars teaser trailer click the link below

Enjoy some delicious star wars tunes here

Want to enjoy some creepy Star Wars inspired cartoon porn click the link below?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Those Damn Dolls Finally Come Into Play In Fable Heroes

Fable is awesome


 ...It needed saying immediately. We have played and demolished every job, house, and person in each fable game to date. When Lionhead Studios announced not only one but two new games and one for Kinect, were being released we definitely had to jump in on the action. We are still waiting for the release of Fable: The Journey for the Kinect which is being released in 2012, but we have demolished Fable Heroes.In Fable  Heroes the little dolls you collected in Fable 2 for the achievement (you remember you had to go online and trade for the dolls to get it...grrrr*) are finally being used!! They do have a purpose, one that Lionhead pulled out of its ass probably but damn it's an amazingly adorable game. It's definitely fable but it has some parts reminiscent of  Little Big Planet mainly because your a doll who can change it's expressions. It has a cute level-up area and you ride a map like Super Mario Brothers. The fact that it's co-op is amazing and the experience only got one complaint out of us here at Nerdgasm and it's a small one at that. Your characters do tend to get stuck on each other here and there and sometimes in dimly lit areas and camera changes you can lose your characters position momentarily...which is long enough for an Ice furie to spring up and take a heart.  We don't want to give to much spoilers for those who want to play it still...but we will sum it up for you. This game is worth the ten bucks you pay for it. It's cute enough for smaller kids but still fun for older fable vets. It's button mashing mixed with a few flourishes and special moves. We already told you the dislikes on it, and as you've noticed they are minimal. We give Lionhead an A freaking plus on this one. You guys are awesome and it's why we love you so.

Click the link below to head over to Lionhead Studios where you can check out amazing screenshots and videos for the upcoming game Fable The Journey!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I only thawed you out so I could beat your ass a second time

Hello everybody I know it's been awhile since I posted anything (Skyrim needed a hero!). Now I'm back and I'm not alone. I've added a few more people to the wonderful list of Nerdgasm. My Co-Creator as always is the hilarious and ever snarky Detenate; head over to his page to see a gallery of photos as well as information and his faves. We will also have several Guest Writers working with us, which will only add to the expansive knowledge we have here on things no one necessarily ever needed to know. We are expanding with more pages, plus several new features such as an ERBOH page, ever changing polls on what we should write about next, A google +1 button so as you can show us off to your friends. We also have a share button that helps with showing particular posts, pics, or video's you find to your liking. Also a "what's happening in the world" section which shows you updates on the tech, gaming, and geek world!  We are always under construction so try to bare with us as we set up more features for you to enjoy including Video Blogs, Interviews, and much much more! We look forward to you looking forward with us!